As long as you don’t love yourself…

… you will keep chasing people who don’t love you either.

I read this phrase a while ago and it stuck with me. For autistic people who have lived undiagnosed for a long time, this can be a biggie.

How can you love yourself when you don’t really know yourself? How can you fully accept yourself when you have always been mocked for your quirks, harassed for your special interests and when the people around you were not interested in your sensitivities? How can you be really loved when all you have done is building relationships on a mask, hoping to be ‘acceptable’?

The opposite is also true, and I believe it to be a sign of healing when I see my clients naturally step away from people who lack of self love. Often times, these people take way too much care of others and not enough of themselves. These relationships are often burdensome, as it is so hard to love them when they hate themselves. It’s impossible to nurture them when they neglect themselves or are downright self destructive. They don’t take their vitamins while their body is declining, they don’t go into therapy while their soul is crying, they refuse themselves the sweet gifts of life. It’s hard to be with them when all they do is run away from themselves. And they run some more, after folk who don’t really like them either.

Autism Coaching can help here, by helping you connect with your autistic self, by getting to understand and accept the essence of your difference, and building a stronger sense of ‘Self’. Getting to know yourself and making peace with this – almost – invisible and yet so deeply rooted feeling of ‘being different’ is the first step to healing from a lack of self love.

Now if you are on Facebook, there is a very good little video here that talks about the transition into more authentic living. Just a little gift that can do a lot of good to all of us.

Let me know what you think.

Autism Coach
namaste ( a )

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