It’s official: I’m an Autism Counselor!

After 58 years of experience with autism from the inside, I am a firm believer in ‘Nothing about us without us’.

Article en français ici

I have studied to be an Autism Counselor. It’s a Dutch course, also given in the Flemish part of Belgium. I am the first officially certified Autism Counselor in the French speaking part of the country. I work in Dutch, French and English.

What is Autism Counseling about?

Autism in childhood and youth

I studied childhood autism and the development of children with/without autism, in order to get a deeper comprehension of the way an autistic child experiences our complex world. This helped me get a better view on what we can do to improve the life of an autistic child. Having an autistic child in your family or in your class is not easy, as a lot needs to be done differently. Getting a better understanding of the way of thinking, the relationships and the behavior of the child or youngster allows their surrounding (family, friends, school teacher…) to improve their daily life as well as their relationship with the child.

It was very healing for me to learn about all the things we can do to improve the quality of daily life and the growth of an autistic child. One key element in autistic education is to understand that the child can not help it – the repetitive behavior, the sensitivities, the need for safety, the focus on their special interest… are never whims or tantrums. An autistic child needs to be offered a very safe (predictable) environment in order for them to grow up strong and ready to face the harshness of the world. Because don’t you worry: hardship will come, and the child will learn what it needs to learn. Coaching can help for the child to grow up more confident, and overall happier. This prepares a safe basis that will allow the child later on to face the world with more joy.

Autism in adulthood

Most of us did not receive a safe basis during our childhood years. Often times our parents and teachers were so lost that they gave us the opposite of what we needed(*).

Many of us get diagnosed at a later stage in life, especially women. A late diagnosis can be very freeing, as it explains so much and a lot of the confusion gets cleared up, finally! However, a late diagnosis can also be the beginning of a complex grief process, as we let go of illusions, masking (adapting our behavior and/or suppressing our needs in order not to appear awkward), negative relationships, and maybe even jobs or homes that are not suitable. For many of us, it appears that everything has to change, and it can be a rich but stressful time.

It is because I wished I had somebody experienced and knowledgeable I could turn to with my questions and experiences during that time of transition towards are more authentic life, that I decided to become an Autism Coach. When I got my diagnosis, I read dozens of books and joined support groups online, but I missed real life (and) peer support. There was nobody in the part of the country where I live. So I decided to become that Coach.

I also have a certificate as a psychotherapist, and as a teacher for unemployed people, I have a long experience in job coaching.

Looking forward to offering you that safe space to share, heal and support you on your path,

(*) shouting and punishing does not work for autistic children.

My background : I was a trained social and legal interpreter (English, French and Dutch), and have studied psychotherapy. I now work as a part-time Coordinator for a non-profit organization that promotes peer support in mental health.
I am a free-lance Autism Coach, always studying for more knowledge – and I hope to obtain the ADHD Coach certificate soon.

Would you like an appointment? You can contact me by email :
namaste (a)

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