I just found this picture in an Autism support group and it made me feel like writing about coming AUT of the closet. Many autistics like this meme because I think at some point we all can relate.
Sometimes I have felt frustration as per the reactions (or lack thereof) received following my ‘coming aut’ as a diagnosed autistic. I know people are not informed, and carry the strangest beliefs, such as ‘I know a little boy with autism, this lady can simply not be autistic because she’s not like that little boy’. I know it may feel quite invalidating to hear such a thing. I know the stereotypes are still very present, and people even use ‘autistic’ as an insult (for a person who does not communicate they way they would like). Or they think of an ‘autistic savant’ they once saw in a Hollywood movie, and just can’t seem to find a link with me, the seemingly open, active, professional woman who manages quite well in society. At first, it’s hurtful, but then we get used to it, and in the end maybe one day we might just laugh. Or stop talking about it. Or we can learn to become real advocates who want to speak up against ignorance.
I study to become an official Autism Coach, for the sake of being taken seriously. Because my own experience (58 years of living as a masking auti!) and research (I have read about 25 books, listened to about 27 expert speakers and joined 3 support groups and exchanged with dozens of autistic adults) may simply not suffice in a society that does not accommodate to us, autistics.
Oh, and I got diagnosed by one of Britain’s major autism researchers. All this does not seem to be enough. But you know what? I am not putting energy into convincing people because I do not feel I need to justify myself. So I try to relax, but it’s hard. Because I am still vulnerable. It still hurts to be invalidated by the opinion ‘on me’ of others, as it is all still new to me too. I am readjusting. I am discovering myself as I really am. ‘Unmasking’, they call it.
PS: now that I know, I think my suspectrum/autism radar is pretty active, so beware. We might meet on this side of the spectrum 😉 It’s gonna be fun.
Congratulations !